Acupuncture & Natural Therapies/ Melanie Myers
In The convenience of your home or business
Natural Health Practitioner/Licensed Acupuncturist
For Mobile in-home
Out in Culpeper?
Get acupuncture, Cupping, guasha, Energy work, and Tuina with Melanie at our Spa
(540) 825-2849
Tui Na Services
Tui Na
A Highly Skilled Asian Medical Massage-like technique
with Reflexology
1 , 1.5 or 2 HR Sessions
This session is flexible and can be geared toward a specific area that is in pain or sore, concentration on a specific area of the body, and refrain from other areas. You select and modify how you want it done.
For improving health issues, I recommend you get one of the initial evaluations with treatment first.
x – face, scalp, ears, neck and shoulders
x – all over (except private parts) with concentration on one or two areas you prefer
x – hands, feet, ears, neck and shoulders
x – back,neck, hips and shoulders, glutes
x – legs, feet, arms and hands
x – other combo
x- Pregnancy Tui Na (this includes gentle abdominal technique to ease baby and pelvic ligaments and hips, legs and feet, neck and shoulders, back while mom and baby lay on side.
x - Infertility Tui Na (this is a deep abdominal technique that addresses proper blood flow to the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus that helps to increase your fertility.
Call Today to schedule your appointment: 540-388-6989