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Remote Services

Get the help you need


Health Assessment, 

with 1 on 1 Phone Consultation 

and Treatment

What to expect;

you will get a thorough assessment of your present health condition/s using 8 principle TCM technique through evaluating your medical history and whole body health. 

We will go over ways to improve your health and what supplements and medicines you are taking so we can minimize if possible and provide prescriptions where necessary. 
This evauation will help us create a “map” of your present and past health challenges and provide you with a solid foundation and profound insights into your ideal physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of wellbeing.

You will recieve an oriental medicine diagnosis and defination of what applies directly to you. You will quickly notice that, with the reading of Oriental medicine tools, your symptoms fall into significant “clusters” that can be very empowering once we know how to read them.

You will leave with specific, practical protocols and recommendations as well as a better understanding of your “body map”.

Some of our tools will include:

Dietary and lifestyle recommendations.
External remedies, oils, compresses, colonics, enemas, 
yoga stretches and physical or structural exercises.
Recommended prescriptions for prevention, healing and seasonal maintenance of health,
Recommendation of specific acupressure points,Supplements, herbal formula prescriptions, self-massage techniques, and guided meditations.

These will be treatment practices to best support your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual journey

This is a 60 minute consultation by phone. 

Once you fill out the Health Assessment Form and made your purchase, you can schedule your full hour with the Acupuncturist.

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Infertility Assessment, 

with 1 on 1 Phone Consultation 

and Treatment

Infertility has many causes. Whether known or unknown, Melanie treats the body wholistically to significantly increase your chances of conception. 

20yrs experience treating patients

Certifications in gynocology and infertility

She provides you with everything you can do at home without ever visiting in person


You get:


  •  thorough health assessment for fertility

  • Individualized Treatment Plan

  • 1 on 1 live Phone consultation with Acupuncturist Melanie Myers

  • TCM Diagnosis with explanation and findings

  • Learn more about what’s going on with your body and why you arent conceiving

  • Individualized prescriptions for;

  • Medicinal herbal formula/s, supplements, vitamins

  • exercises

  • a fertility guide with specific dietary choices that are practical and individualized according to your condition and whether you are vegan, raw, carnivore, keto etc.

  • and lifestyle changes, recommendations

  • Combination treatments of specific acupressure points you can use as self treatment for your specific health issues.

Note:Taking herbs can actually make your conceiving more difficult without proper diagnosis.

Herbal prescriptions/formulas are not a  ‘one fits all’ . This doesnt even work in the clothes indrustry and especially not where your health is concerned. Diagnosis and individualized treatment is vital for  success.

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Online Coaching


Coming Soon

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